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News Release

JFE Steel Corporation

Vietnamese University Launches Course to Develop Steel-structure Engineers
— Based on content from lecture series organized by JFE Steel —

National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE), Hanoi, will soon begin offering a course on steel structures based on content from a “endowed-lecture” series organized by JFE Steel. The lecture series, which received Japanese government-connected financial assistance to support the dispatch of experts from Japan, was organized by JFE Steel between fiscal 2016 and 2019.

To help develop steel-structure engineers and thereby contribute to infrastructure development in Vietnam, JFE Steel organized the four-year series of endowed lectures at NUCE and at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT). The endowment was provided by the Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS), a private technical-cooperation organization that operates under the jurisdiction of Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

JFE Steel launched joint research with NUCE and HCMUT in fiscal 2012, aiming to expand local awareness of the advantages of steel structures, including fast construction times, excellent design qualities and earthquake resistance. A major hurdle in popularizing the use of steel structures in Vietnam has been a shortage of local engineers with the advanced technical skills for planning, designing, manufacturing, constructing and managing steel structures. When the two universities consulted JFE Steel on this issue, JFE Steel obtained the AOTS’s agreement to endow a series of lectures to correct the problem, beginning with lectures at NUCE and HCMUT from February 2017.

Thereafter, JFE Steel conducted at least 30 lectures for around 30 students and instructors at both universities every year, totaling about 300 participants over the four years. The company also provided information on Japanese ODA projects taking place in Vietnam and organized practical exercises involving design and component technologies used in steel structures. In addition, students were taken on tours of J-Spiral Steel Pipe and Agrimeco & JFE Steel Products, local affiliates of JFE Steel. Upon completion of the lectures, instructors from both universities were invited to Japan for training in how to support future lectures.

NUCE will now offer content from the lecture series in an official course to be launched in the current fiscal year. The course will be taught by young lecturers who were trained under the endowed-lecture series. Around 150 students are expected to sign up each year. In addition to basic steel structure technologies, the course will include topics not previously covered in detail at the university, such as steelmaking technology and advanced welding technology. HCMUT is also developing a course as part of its official curricula, which it expects to make available once relevant approvals are received.

By facilitating the development of steel-structure engineers and advancing the adoption of steel-structure technology in Vietnam, these initiatives are expected to fuel wider use of steel structures for infrastructure development and associated growth in steel demand.

Going forward, JFE Steel will continue to develop world-leading steel products and construction methods not only for Japan but also global markets, including in the ASEAN region and beyond, ultimately helping to create a more sustainable world.


Commemorative photograph taken at the JFE Steel Vietnam office

Commemorative photograph taken at the JFE Steel Vietnam office

Nguyen Hoang Giang, Vice Rector of NUCE (left) and Isao Fukushima, General Director of JFE Steel Vietnam (right)


NUCE campus in Hanoi, Vietnam

NUCE campus in Hanoi, Vietnam


Related links:

JFE Steel’s Lecture Series for Steel Structure Engineers in Vietnamese Universities
— Lecture series’ contributions to Vietnamese infrastructure development through steel —


About JFE Steel Corporation

JFE Steel Corporation, one of the world’s leading integrated steel producers, was established through the consolidation of NKK Corporation and Kawasaki Steel Corporation in 2003. The company operates several steelworks in Japan and numerous branch offices and affiliates throughout the world. JFE Steel leverages world-class technologies and know-how to produce a wide range of products based on its “Only One, Number One” strategy of focusing on unique and best-in-class products. The company reported consolidated sales of 3,900 billion yen in 2018 and consolidated crude steel output of 27.88 million tons in the fiscal year ended March 2019.

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