Vol.28 (1996) No.4

Outline of Chiba Works' Modernization

山田 博右(Hirosuke Yamada)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel decided modernization of Chiba Works after studies of Chiba future vision. Main production processes will be assembled in west plant in a long term, but the modernization of upstream process was realized in the first place. Construction of a new steelmaking shop was started in 1991 and the new hot strip mill operation initiated in 1995. In these plants, the most advanced techniques, such as smelting reduction of Cr-ore in steelmaking and the endless rolling in hot Strip mill, were developed and applied. And for determination of the layout of the works, all of the probabilities concerning areal space, distant view, environmental influence, coexistence with neiboring cities, logistics and forecast of new production processes were considered.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003