Vol.28 (1996) No.3

History and Features of Kawasaki Steel on overseas Engineerin Operations

古川 九州男(Kusuo Furukawa) 田中 正文(Masahumi Tanaka) 榊 豊和(Toyokazu Sakaki)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Two overseas construction works in 70’s and early 80’s, an integrated steel works in Brazil and a sinter plant in the Philippines, are bridgeheads for business expansion of the Engineering and Construction Divisional Group of Kawasaki Steel (ED). Looking back over the 20-year history of ED’s overseas businesses, it can be recognized that there are five major category, namely, steel mill plant engineering, port and harbor engineering, building and steel structure engineering, engineering including pipeline and water treatment , and operation of overseas incorporation. Construction and operation experiences at two integrated steel works in Chiba and Mizushima were the major elements of the technologies of ED in its overseas business transactions in the early stages. ED’s unique engineering capabilities have been established by accumulating its various overseas experiences widened in the above-mentioned activities. This report discusses the technical results and characteristics of ED’s engineering technology applied in the activities.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003