Vol.27 (1995) No.2

Domestic Sales and Production System "PEGASUS"

笠井 昌久(Masahisa Kasai) 芳本  満(Mitsuru Yoshimoto)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
The authors have developed PEGASUS system (Plan & Entry operations by Grouping & Analyzing SUpport System) to support the planning of monthly domestic sales and production of steel. This system was reconstructed as a new wide-area network, whose hardware configuration is a three-tier client-server structure system consisting of a host computer, UNIX servers and personal computers. One of the most prominent feature of this system is that this system shares product inventory database of Kawasaki Steel with its trading companies. The application of PEGASUS system reduced the salesman's workload, the number of salesmen, and the amount of stock. Moreover, the system carried a reformation in the environment of sales division.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003