Vol.24 (1992) No.1

Development of Integrated Geographic Information Management System “MAPtune”

岩見 由起夫(Yukio Iwami) 松尾 好純(Yoshizumi Matsuo) 小池  武(Takeshi Koike) 今井 俊雄(Toshio Imai)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A computer mapping system called “MAPtune”has been developed. The system supports various geographic informations on daily and accidental facility control as well as urban planning through the computer graphic interface. Integrated capability of the system is accomplished by linkage of the basic mapping with sub-systems including numerical analyses, expert systems, business information management and process control through the specially designed interface which can assure high flexibility and compatibility between both systems. Two application systems, i.e. the facility management system in Chiba Works and the expert system for accidental leakage recovery control of water pipelines, are introduced.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003