Vol. 23(1991) No.1

Robotization of Steel Frame Welding

福原  昇(Noboru Fukuhara) 志賀  厚(Atsushi Shiga) 橋本 順次(Junji Hashimoto) 安田 博和(Hirokazu Yasuda) 中島 松重(Matsushige Nakajima) 則長 保甫(Yasuhiro Norinaga)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
In order to reduce the manufacturing cost, an automatic robot welding system for steel frame construction has been developed. This system is composed of a commercial welding robot, a transport vehicle for the robot, turning equipment for frame connection work and a controller (personal computer). The movements of all the components are systematically controlled based on the dimensions of column concerning the starting and finishing points of each weld line. Those dimensions are input manually to the controller prior to welding operation. One of the special featurers of this system is that the command program for the movements of each component is automatically produced from the input dimensions. The command program is produced quickly and it is easy to input dimensions. Another feature of the system is that sensing mechanisms are widely utilized in the welding robot in order to maintain the accuracy of torch positioning to the weld line.
本文(PDF: 6P/343kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003