Vol.17 (1985) No.4

Low-Silicon Operation of Blast Furnace

上谷 年男(Toshio Uetani) 高橋 洋光(Hiromitsu Takahashi) 山崎  信(Makoto Yamasaki) 吉田 和彦(Kazuhiko Yoshida) 金子 憲一(Kenichi Kaneko) 武田 幹治(Kanji Takeda)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
As the first step, the decrease in the theoretical flame temperature at tuyeres and stave heat load reduced, silicon content at Mizushima No.2 BF, which had been around 0.40% to 0.25% in December 1983. As the second step, MgO and basicity in slag were increased in June 1984 to further reduce the silicon and sulfur contents. As a result, the average monthly value of silicon content was kept lower than 0.20% with a sulfur content of around 0.03% after May 1984. The lowest record was 0.17% in August 1984. The low silicon operation was based on the stable blast furnace condition, which was achieved by the control of stave heat load and a moderate peripheral gas flow in gas distribution.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003