Vol.11 (1979) No.3

By-brand Raw Material Price Analysis and Evaluation Method

伏見 清和(Kiyokazu Fushimi) 堀添 智(Satoshi Horizoe) 新井 慎也(Shinya Arai)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
In the Japanese steel industry which uses incomparably many types of imported raw materials for optimum blending purposes, systems using linear programming method have long been useful as a supplementary tool for the planning of raw material purchasing, especially in the selection of right brand and the study of operational conditions. But these systems fall short of providing sufficient price analysis information which would be useful for purchase contract negotiations. This paper deveelops a new method in which evealuation prices of each brand of raw materials are expressed in mathmatical equations reflecting several limitations from furnace operations and various attributes of each brand based on information obtained during the computation of linear programming problems on brand selection. The paper also explains how to apply this new method to a number of prectical purchase planning cases using some general miniature models. The new technique has proved to be effective as coal and ore purchase planning systems in furnishing sufficient information in analyzing enaluation prices.
本文(PDF: 13P/468kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003