Vol.10 (1978) No.2.3

Large-sized Torpedo Car with Narrow Rail Gauge at West Plant of Chiba Works

小幡 昊志(Hiroshi Obata) 小関 為久(Tamehisa Ozeki) 香月 淳一(Jun-ichi Katsuki) 丸島 弘也(Hironari Marushima) 古内 真積(Matsumi Furuuchi) 高橋 真人(Masato Takahashi)
要旨 :
10 000t/dの出銑量をもつ大型の千葉製鉄所第6高炉の溶銑ハンドリングはトーピードカー方式を採用した。本報はトーピードカーの仕様決定の根拠,特徴をまとめたものである。千葉製鉄所の溶銑ハンドリングの既存設備が狭軌道の75tオープンレードル方式であったため,トーピードカーの仕様決定にあたっては高炉鋳床下の空間,線路強度、線路周辺構築物など諸種の制約を受けたが,狭軌道用(軌間1 067mm),公称貯銑量350tとし,炉体トラニオン軸へのコロガリ軸受けの採用,炉体傾動用電源自動連結方式の採用,台車連解結・停留ブレーキ自動方式の採用など,省エネルギー,省力を考えた多くの新しい設備を取り付けた。
Synopsis :
The adoption of torpedo cars to transfer hot metal from No.6 blast furnace of rated 10 000t/d capacity to steel-making shops on West Plant and/or Main Plant was decided after careful study on the best possible economy and the highest possible operation efficiency based on the existing factors such as the 75t open ladle hot metal transport system already in operation at Main Plant, space availability underneath the cast house floors of blast furnaces, physical strength of the existing narrow (1067mm) gage railroad, and various structures standing along the existing railroad system. Although most of the existing conditions worked as limitation to the new large-sized torpedo car system, efforts were made to adopt a number of new systems for saving labor and energy, including the use of ball bearing at trunnion shaft of the torpedo, automation of power coupling for torpedo tilting, and automatic coupling and uncoupling of cars with self-working of parking brake.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003