Vol.10 (1978) No.2.3

Improvement Work for Weak Ground at Chiba West Site

堤  一高(Kazutaka Tsutsumi) 根井 基雄(Motoo Nei) 城  郁夫(Ikuo Jo)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Two stages of land improvement project were carried out to make the weak land suitable within a short period to the respective foundations for blast furnace, steelmaking shop, slabbing mill and others. The first one was the soil stabilization work in which the pore water of the land was drained directly by means of deep wells. The other was the soil improvement work by driving many sand compaction piles. The foundation piles were designed on the basis of a full-size tield experimental data which proved to be very effective in solving problems of weak ground such as a large negative friction along a long foundation pile, and a detrimental displacement of the pile due to the horizontal flow of the weak stratum caused by unbalanced loads of upper structures.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003