Vol.8 (1976) No.1

Development of New Steel Road Deck

中西 輝行(Teruyuki Nakanishi) 町田  豊(Yutaka Machida) 斉藤  恂(Makoto Saito) 井上 末富(Suetomi Inoue) 大方  茂(Shigeru Okata)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel Corp. has developed the new steel road deck with such features as follows: (1) Skidding resistance between automobile tires and road surface is comparable with asphalt road. The excellent skidding resistance is derived from small square projections formed on the flange surface of H-shapes by special work roll of universal mill. (2) Running noises of automobiles are a little more than those on asphalt road, but somewhat less than those on usual steel road decks.(3) Being constructed with welded H-shapes and split tees, the deck has less unit weight and higher strength than the design load according to the specifications for high way bridges.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003