Vol.6 (1974) No.4

A Pipeline Execution Test Using Practical Automatic Welding Equipment

堀  義春(Yoshiharu Hori) 中川 宏夫(Hiroo Nakagawa)
要旨 :
API 5LX X60で外径16インチ肉厚1/2インチ,長さ6000mmの鋼管をつかって,全長72mのパイプライン敷設実験工事をフィールドで繰りかえしおこなった。実用的な国産自動溶接装置(CO2-Ar)を駆使し,パイプ敷設トレンチの上,およびトレンチ内で,配列−溶接−吊りおろし−タイイン等の諸作業を組合わせて実験をおこなうとともに,さらにサブヤードで新型非破壊検査装置(放射線検査)の試験と,溶接継手部の特殊塗覆装実験をおこなった。また接合工法は,リング別変形ダブル・アセンブリ工法と,スプレッド・アセンブリ工法の2種類により,長尺管を陸つぎしてからトレンチでタイインする新工法を適用している。実験作業のタイムスタディで得られた資料をもとに作業の標準化をおこない,またシミュレーションによって標準工法のモデルを設計した。さらに実験工事をとおして施工技術と機器取扱い上の要点を把握することができた。
Synopsis :
In this experimental laying of 72m long pipeline, a series of field tests were conducted using pipe 6000mm long with 16-inch O.D. and 1/2-inch wall thickness specified under API 5LX X60. The tests were performed above and in the pipeline trench by combining various operations, such as laying, welding, lowering-in , tying-in, etc., using a Japan-made practical automatic (CO2-Ar) welder. Also, in the sub-yard, tests were carried out on a new model of non-destructive (radiographic) inspection equipment and a special coating for weld zone. A new connecting method was also taken in this experiment; after pipes were connected with each other above the trench, using the "double-assembly method" and the "spread-assembly method", they were tied-in in the trench. Based on data obtained from a time-study of the experiments, the work has been standardized, and a standard process model has been designed by simulation. Major points for execution techniques and handling equipment have been confirmed by subsequent experiments.
本文(PDF: 14P/541kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003