Vol.5 (1973) No.3

Studies on Buckling Strength of Welded Box Column -Effect of Welding and Cold Forming-

山口 修一(Shuichi Yamaguchi) 滝沢 章三(Shozo Takizawa) 川島 義克(Yoshikatsu Kawashima) 西村  誠(Makoto Nishimura)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
For the purpose of studying how the buckling strength of welded box-columns is affected by the welding and cold-forming during the making of these boxes, three types of box-columns, each different in the manufacturing method, were subjected to the coupon tests, residual stress measurements and stub column tests, and the buckling formulas based on the theory of Huber and Beedle and others were calculated. As a result, the following two points were found: (1) The pre-strain given to the box-column corner during cold-forming increases the buckling strength. (2) The more there are weld points in the column, the lower the buckling strength.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003