Vol.4 (1970) No.1

Bright Annealing of Stainless Steel

浦山 精一(Seiichi Urayama) 神谷 昭彦(Akihiko Kamiya) 小西 康夫(Yasuo Konishi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
This paper gives an outline of the cold rolling process of stainless steel with special emphasis on the bright annealing products, together with introduction of some of the outstanding features of the bright annealing equipment installed at Nishinomiya Works. By citing examples of each process of grinding, rolling, annealing, and skinpass rolling, it is confirmed that the rolling is the most important process in giving a good brightness to the bright annealing products. Precautions are also taken as to what should be done in the subsequent processes so that the good brightness may be preserved intact until after the products come off the final process. Lastly, the brightness which constitutes the indispensable special quality of bright annealing products is compared with that of 2B products.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003