Vol.3 (1971) No.1

The Coefficient of Friction on the Round Headed Punch in Press Forming

中川 吉左衛門(Kichizaemon Nakagawa) 岡崎 修三(Shuzo Okazaki)
要旨 :
この報告は,プレス成形時の球頭ポンチ頭部における摩擦係数の解析的研究である。この摩擦係数は,異方性材料に対するHillの歪増分理論,幾何学的関係,相当応力,相当歪およびAなる値(lim dεθ/dS (Sを0に近づけた極限)を用いて,子午線方向の力のつりあい方程式から子午線方向応力,円周方向応力および子午線方向歪を消去することにより解析的に求めることができる。次に,この摩擦係数と限界絞り比および限界張出し高さとの関係を調べた。その結果材料の異方性を考慮した場合,この関係は直線的であることがわかった。
Synopsis :
An analysis has been developed for the study of the coefficient of friction on the round headed punch in press forming. The theoretical equation of the coefficient of friction was obtained by eliminating the tangential stress, the tangential strain and the circumferential stress from the equilibrium equation of forces along the tangential direction, by the use of Hill's incremental stress-strain relation for anisotropic materials, geometrical relations, the equivalent stress, the equivalent strain and the value of A(= d εθ/dS (limit which brings S close to 0)). In the case of deep-drawing, the linear relationship between the coefficient of friction and the limiting drawing ratio was investigated. In the case of stretch-forming, the linear relationship between the coefficient of friction and the limiting stretching depth was investigated.
本文(PDF: 9P/245kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003