Vol.2 (1970) No.2

Experiments on the Welding Properties and Processes of Atomospheric Corrosion Resisting High Strength Steel

大庭  浩(Hirosi Oba) 高野 哲郎(Tetsuro Takano)
要旨 :
耐候性鋼材を用いて溶接構造物を製作する場合には,使用鋼材の溶接性や溶接施工法について十分検討する必要がある。本研究は,引張強さが41,50および60kg/mm2級の耐候性鋼RIVER TENを用いて,その使用性能ならびに工作性を確認するため,つぎの項目について試験を行なった。(1)溶接最高硬さ試験 (2)溶接割れ感受性試験,溶接ビード曲げ試験 y型溶接割れ試験 仮付溶接割れ試験 (3)溶接継手性能試験,標準条件溶接継手性能試験 突合せ溶接継手性能試験 十字型溶接継手性能試験 (4)すみ肉施工試験 (5)交差部継手模型試験 以上の諸試験の結果供試鋼材はいずれも溶接構造用鋼と同等の溶接性を有することがわかった。また溶接施工に対するいくつかの指針が得られた。
Synopsis :
In case of using atmospheric corrosion resisting steel for steel structure, it is essential to closely investigate the steel's welding properties and the welding processes. This paper treats the results of various tests listed below, which were conducted on the specimen plates taken from the atmospheric corrosion resisting steel RIVER TEN of 41, 50 and 60 kg/mm2 class high tensile strength respectively, in order to confirm their weldability and workability. (1) Maximum hardening test of weld parts (2) Weld ductility tests (Bead bend test, Y-type restraint cracking test, Cracking test) (3) Weld joint tests (Standard weld joint test, Butt weld joint test, Cross-weld joint test) (4) Fillet weld joint test (5) Weld joint model test. The above tests showed that the RIVER TEN atmospheric corrosion resisting steels were fully qualified as weldable structural steels, as they possessed all the specified properties of JIS G 3106 "Rolled Steel for Welded Structure". The tests also gave us several important clues to the welding processes for steel structures.
本文(PDF: 32P/1119kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003