Vol.2 (1970) No.2

Mechanical Properties and Weldability of Atmospheric Corrosion Resisting Steels

安田  達(Tohoru Yasuda) 坪井 潤一郎(Junichiro Tsuboi) 杉江 英司(Eiji Sugie) 船越 督己(Tokushi Funakoshi) 田中 康浩(Michihiro Tanaka)
要旨 :
RIVER TENはJISの溶接構造用耐候性熱間圧延鋼材(SMA)の規格を満足し,そのうち50kg/mm2以上の引張強さをもつ鋼材はNbを含有するのが特徴であり,それにより機械的性質を向上し,溶接性を改良している。脆性破壊の発生特性をあらわすNDT温度は約-30℃であり,RIVER TEN 58の二重引張試験による亀裂伝播停止温度はWES基準A種で-36℃,G種で-74℃である。溶接最高硬さは約330Hvであり,yスリット拘束割れ試験によるルート割れ防止温度は50mmのRIVER TEN 50では,100℃,26mmのRIVER TEN 58では室温でも割れは発生しない。溶接部の延性,靱性は良好であり,26mmのRIVER TEN 58のボンド部のディープノッチ試験による脆性破壊発生温度は負荷応力σy/2.5,亀裂長さ80mmのとき入熱量91,000Joule/cmを与えても-100℃以下であった。
Synopsis :
RIVER TEN steels satisfy JIS as "hot rolled atmospheric corrosion resisting steel for welded structure. "Some of them that have high tensile strength of over 50kg/mm2 are characterized by their content of Nb, which improves their mechanical properties and reforms their weldability. NDT temperature which represents the brittle fracture initiation characteristics of high tensile strength RIVER TEN is about -30℃ and the arresting temperature of brittle crack in a double tension test of RIVER TEN 53 is -36℃ for a grade A and -74℃ for a grade G, both in WES standards. Maximum hardness of welds in about 330 Hv for high tensile RIVER TEN steels and the preheat temperature of plates at which the initiation of root crack is prevented in a y-groove restraint cracking test is 100℃ for RIVER TEN 50 of 50mm thickness, but no cracks appear at room temperature for RIVER TEN 58 of 26mm thickness. The elongation and notch ductility of welds are very good. Brittle fracture initiation temperature in a deep notch test for the bond part of 26mm thick RIVER TEN 58 is below -100℃ even if a heat imput of 91,000 Joule/cm is given, when an applied stress is under σy/2.5 and a crack length is 80mm.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003