Vol. 32(2000) No.4

先進ダスト製錬炉(Z-STAR 炉)の建設と操業―電気炉ダスト,シュレッダーダストからの有価金属,燃料ガスの回収―
Construction and Operations of Advanced Dust Smelting Furnace (Z-STAR)−Recovery of Valuable Minerals and Fuel Gas from EAF or Shredder Dustー

水藤 政人(Masahito Suito) 原  義明(Yoshiaki Hara)
要旨 :
川崎製鉄は電気炉ダスト,シュレッダーダストなどから有価物および燃料ガスの回収,資源リサイクル率の向上を目的に,水島製鉄所に処理能力 30 t/d の先進ダスト製錬炉(Z-STAR 炉)を建設し,2000 年 2 月に試験操業を開始した。このプロセスはコークス充填型溶融還元炉で亜鉛,鉄および燃料ガスを同時に回収するものである。その特徴は以下に示す通りである。(1) 上下 2 段羽口を有した竪型炉で,その上下羽口間に形成される高温強還元領域で酸化鉄,酸化亜鉛などは急速溶融還元される。(2) ダストはペレット化する必要なく,直接上段羽口から吹き込まれる。(3) 炉内の高温領域にてダイオキシンは完全に分解される。さらに排ガスは水スプレーで急速冷却されるため再合成もほとんどなく,0.01 ng-TEQ/Nm3 以下のダイオキシン濃度を達成できる。(4) 高炉ガスと比較して,高カロリー燃料ガスの回収が可能である。試験操業にて必要な操業諸元を取得し,同 Z-STAR 炉は 2000 年 9 月より商業運転を開始した。
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel has developed and newly constructed an advanced dust smelting furnace (Z-STAR) at its Mizushima Works, the capacity of which is 30 t/d, to realize the followings: (1) Recovery of valuable minerals from waste materials such as electric furnace dust and shredder dust, (2) Reproduction of fuel gas from waste materials, (3) Improvement of material recycle ratio. The Z-STAR started trial operations in February, 2000. This is a new smelting reduction process with a coke-packed bed for simultaneous recovery of zinc, iron and fuel gas from waste materials. Its characteristics are as follows: (1) The furnace has two-stage tuyeres. A high-temperature strong reduction area is constituted between the upper and lower tuyeres. It is possible for oxide such as Fe2O3, Cr2O3 and ZnO to be rapidly reduced within the area. (2) It is possible to eliminate agglomeration process since fine raw materials are directly injected through the upper tuyere. (3) Dioxin is perfectly decomposed in the high temperature area of the furnace and, since the off-gas is quickly cooled down by water spray, re-composition of dioxin can be suppressed. The dioxin concentration in sludge is lower than 0.01 ng-TEQ/Nm3. (4) It is possible to effectively separate iron and zinc by the difference of vapor pressure at a high temperature. (5) It is possible to recover a high BTU off-gas, comparing with off-gas of blast furnaces, since there is almost no reduction by CO gas. Through the trial operations, necessary operational data with a high zinc recovery rate were obtained and confirmed. The Z-STAR has been in a commercial operation at the rate of 30 t/d since September, 2000.
本文(PDF: 6P/265kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003