Vol. 32(2000) No.4

Recent Technological Trend of Global Environmental Protection in Kawasaki Steel

加藤 俊之(Toshiyuki Kato)
要旨 :
川崎製鉄の地球環境保全における最近の技術動向を概括した。地球温暖化防止のための省エネルギー技術分野では,畜熱式熱交換システムを応用した高効率加熱装置に代表される設備の高効率化や千葉製鉄所第 3 ホットストリップミルでのエンドレス圧延などの製造工程の連続化により大きな効果を達成している。環境負荷低減技術では,コークス炉でのドアガス漏れの大幅低減などの製造プロセスでの排ガス対策や,排水中の窒素削減などの水質保全対策が効果を発揮している。スラグを始めとする自社発生副産物の資源化率は,ゼロウェイスト活動の推進により,1997 年度以降は 99.5% を達成した。さらに,鉄鋼製造で培ったパイロメタラジー技術の廃棄物処理への展開を積極的に進めており,川鉄サーモセレクト方式廃棄物ガス化溶融炉,Z-STAR 炉などの資源化技術を開発し,実用化している。これらの技術を利用して産業間連携による廃棄物再資源化活動などを積極的に進めており,今後,循環型社会構築において川崎製鉄の環境保全技術は重要な役割を果たすことができると考えられる。
Synopsis :
This paper summarizes a recent progress in technologies of global environmental protection in Kawasaki Steel. Reduction in energy consumption for the prevention of global warming has been achieved by improving the energy efficiency of manufacturing process, for example, by applying regenerative heat exchange system to heating equipment, and developping continuous manufacturing processes, e.g., the endless rolling practice introduced to No. 3 hot strip mill at Chiba Works. The load of factory operations on its surrounding environment is reduced by exhaust gas control in the manufacturing processes, such as reduction in gas leakage from coke oven doors, and by the treatment of waste water, such as nitrogen reduction from the water by various methods. The recycling ratio of by-products, recovered in the internal manufacturing processes from wastes, such as slag, dust and sludge has reached 99.5% after fiscal year 1997 by promoting a zero waste activity. In addition, Kawasaki Steel has been aggressively applying the pyro-metallurgical technologies, attained through the iron and steel manufacturing, to the waste treatment, and has developed recycling technologies such as Kawasaki Steel Thermoselect System and Z-STAR furnace. By using these technologies, Kawasaki Steel has been positively promoting activities such as waste recycling among various industries. It is expected that the environmental protection technologies in Kawasaki Steel can play an important role in the construction of sustainable society in the future.
本文(PDF: 6P/344kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003