Vol. 32(2000) No.3

Architectural and Civil Engineering Contributing to Developing Infra-structures

浦田  勲(Isao Urata) 川井  豊(Yutaka Kawai) 小保方 廣美(Hiromi Obokata) 辻村  修(Osamu Tsujimura) 木村  保(Tamotsu Kimura) 菊川 春三(Shunso Kikukawa)
要旨 :
川崎製鉄における土木・建築技術の 50 年にわたる歴史的変遷について述べる。本分野は製鉄所の建設経験を出発点とし,現在では,建材や土木・港湾,一般建築,橋梁・鉄構,パイプラインの各事業へと分化・発展を遂げた。これら社会基盤の整備事業の必要性は今後とも変わりはないが,環境保全への配慮,省エネルギーの推進,性能型設計への対応技術が主流になると予測される。
Synopsis :
This paper deals with 50-year long historical changes of architectural and civil engineerings in Kawasaki Steel. Both engineerings started with the construction of steel mills and plants, and now have grown up to several business fields such as construction materials, marine construction, buildings, bridges, steel fabrication and pipelines. These engineering technologies will be also necessary in the future in order to provide infrastructures of the society. Advanced technologies which respond to ecology, energy saving and performance based design are expected hereafter.
本文(PDF: 14P/1008kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003