Vol. 32(2000) No.3

Iron Powders Expand Applications of Iron with Various Functions

小倉 邦明(Kuniaki Ogura)
要旨 :
川崎製鉄は,自動車焼結部品への鉄粉の使用が本格化し始めた 1966 年に,日本で初めて還元鉄粉の一貫製造を開始した。現在,日本で唯一の還元鉄粉とアトマイズ鉄粉の両方を製造販売する鉄粉総合メーカーである。KIPィ 鉄粉は鉄と粉末の性質を活かし,多様な機能で鉄の用途を広げつつある。鉄の機械的性質は粉末の流動・成形が可能である性質と組み合わされ,偏析防止処理粉や高強度用合金鋼粉などとして,焼結機械部品の寸法バラツキ低減や熱処理省略などの生産性向上に利用されている。鉄の磁気的性質は粉末の小さな粒径と組み合わされ圧粉磁芯など電磁材料に,鉄の化学的性質は粉末の大きな比表面積と組み合わされ脱酸素剤,カイロやエッチング廃液からの有価金属回収などにも利用されつつある。川崎製鉄は 1998 年に ISO9001,ISO14001 を取得し,安心して使用していただける品質と安定供給の体制を整えている。
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel started the integrated production of reduced iron powder in 1966, when iron powder started to regularly be applied to automobile sintered parts. Moreover, Kawasaki Steel has been the only iron and steel powder manufacturer in Japan producing both reduced and atomized iron powders. KIP(R) brand iron powders are expanding the applications of iron via various uses, considering the nature of iron and powder. For the improvement of productivity by decreasing the dimension scattering of parts or shortening the heat-treatment of sintered products, accordingly iron powder has been applied taking account of the nature of iron mechanics and the flowability and forming by compression of powder. For this application, Kawasaki Steel supplies segregation-free powders and alloy steel powders for high strength parts. With the iron's magnetic nature and the small particle diameter of powder, the chemical properties of iron and large particle-specific area of powder, iron powder is applied to electromagnetic material, such as the dust core or oxygen absorber, body warmer, and chemical raw materials to recover metals of value in the process effluent. ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification have been granted for iron powder production and products at Kawasaki Steel since 1998, and iron and steel powders of excellent qualities are expected to be steadily supplied in the market and expand new applications for iron.
本文(PDF: 4P/203kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003