Vol. 32(2000) No.3

Aim for Environment-conscious Steel Works

白石 典久(Norihisa Shiraishi) 前澤 利春(Toshiharu Maezawa) 白井 眞一(Shin-ichi Shirai)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel has been aggressively executing many activities, such as environmental improvement, energy saving and recycling of resources to comply with the motto of, 'To carry out global business activities, the first priority should be given to environmental preservation' . In executing the above-mentioned activities with the supports of every development in technology and engineering, significant progress has been achieved. And now, it is strongly expected to look at environmental issues from a global viewpoint and to contribute to the establishment of a community where sustainable growth is expected. In regard to the prevention of global warming, environmental preservation and the establishment of recycling society, results and future subjects for the activities of Kawasaki Steel are reported in this paper.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003