Vol. 32(2000) No.1

高強度焼結部品用 Cr 系合金鋼粉の高強度化機構
Strengthening Mechanism of Cr Alloyed Steel Powder for High Strength Sintered Parts

宇波  繁(Shigeru Unami) 上ノ薗  聡(Satoshi Uenosono)
要旨 :
圧縮性が高く,焼結ままの熱処理なしで高強度が得られる 1Cr-0.3Mo-0.3V (mass%) 組成のプレアロイ鋼粉「KIP 103V」を開発した。この新組成の鋼粉に黒鉛粉を 0.9 mass% 添加した焼結体は,焼結ままの熱処理なしで,熱処理材並の引張強さ 1 000 MPa,回転曲げ疲れ強さ 310 MPa が得られた。この高強度化は,強度の高い極めて微細なパーライト組織,Mn 酸化物の低減および微細な V 炭窒化物の析出に起因する。
Synopsis :
A prealloyed 1Cr-0.3Mo-0.3V (mass%) steel powder, KIP 103V, has been developed to obtain the high compressibility of powder and the high strength of sintered compacts without heat-treatment after sintering. The as-sintered steel without heat-treatment made from this new powder with 0.9 mass% graphite addition gives as high strength as heat-treated sintered steel. Tensile strength is 1 000 MPa and the endurance limit of rotating bending fatigue strength is 310 MPa. The improvement of the strength is attributed to a narrow pearlite lamellar spacing, a decrease in manganese oxide and a precipitation hardening by vanadium carbonitrides.
本文(PDF: 5P/275kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003