Vol. 32(2000) No.1

北米 5 年走行車の腐食状況
Corrosion Behavior of Vehicles Placed in Service in North America for 5 Years

内田 守重(Morishige Uchida) 望月 一雄(Kazuo Mochizuki))
要旨 :
北米 5 年走行車の解体腐食調査を行い,腐食状況を車体部位で分類して Zn 系めっき鋼板の防錆性を評価した。両面に Zn 系めっきを施すことにより耐外面錆性は大きく改善される。Zn 付着量の増加により耐孔あき性は向上し,袋構造になっていない鋼板合わせ部位では,45 g/m2 以上の Zn 系めっき鋼板は優れた耐孔あき性を示した。袋構造部で,片面めっきを両面めっき化することによる耐孔あき腐食性改善効果がみられた。ヘムフランジ部でも,Zn 付着量の増加による耐孔あき性は改善はされた。Zn めっき鋼板による車体防錆性能の改善効果が認められる。
Synopsis :
Some passenger vehicles, which were manufactured in 1989 and 1991 and used around Detroit area for 5 years, were submitted for a corrosion investigation. Panels forming the body shell have been classified into five categories with respect to the corrosion environment and were evaluated their cosmetic corrosion and perforation corrosion. It is confirmed that exterior panels made of two-side zinc coated steel sheet have excellent performance in cosmetic corrosion. It is shown that the corrosion depth at lapped parts under low humid condition decreases with increased zinc coating weight. With precoated panels of zinc coating of more than 45 g/m2, the degree of corrosion was slight. It was found that the usage of zinc coating steel sheet improves the anti-corrosion performance of vehicles.
本文(PDF: 6P/293kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003