Vol.31 (1999) No.4

New Technologies for Connecting Process Lines by Means of Non-touch Helical Turners

山下 陽俊(Yoshun Yamashita) 八角 忠明(Tadaaki Yasumi) 伊理 正人(Masato Iri)
要旨 :
千葉製鉄所第 1 冷間圧延工場において,ライン芯が異なる連続焼鈍設備 No. 2 CAL と既設スキンパスミルを,2 基の非接触式通板方向転換装置(ヘリカルタ−ナ)を用いて連続化し,さらに精整設備を新設した。ヘリカルタ−ナとしては世界初の空気浮上方式(フロ−タ)を採用した。非接触・均一浮上を達成する上で,従来のフロ−タにはみられないさまざまな課題が生じたが,ノズル構造最適化,浮上姿勢制御機構などの技術で解決した。また薄物の高速通板対応として,焼鈍炉ヘルパ−ロ−ルのインバータを更新し,張力制御の高精度化を図った。さらに,品質面では溶接部スキンパス技術をレベルアップし,ワ−クロ−ル疵入を防止した。
Synopsis :
A new integration facilities consisting of helical turners have been successfully developed to connect two existing lines, i.e. No. 2 continuous annealing line and a skinpass mill which are located in parallel, at No. 1 cold rolling mill in Chiba Works. The helical turners were designed to support strip with pressurized air, discharged through arrays of small holes. A stable operation was established by means of the developments of a pressure distribution control system and so forth, thus leading to the world's first-industrialized non-touch direction converter. In order to achieve stable processing of light gauge strip in the furnace, inverters of helper rolls were replaced, by which an improvement of tension control was attained. To avoid defects on work rolls and to maintain superior strip surface quality, a new technology to reduce superimposed length at weld line was also developed.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003