Vol.31 (1999) No.4

Automation Techniques for Fully Automated Coil Transport

吉永 茂樹(Shigeki Yoshinaga) 穴吹 善範(Yoshinori Anabuki)
要旨 :
川崎製鉄では,1980 年代よりコイル自動搬送設備の建設を始め,現在では,熱間圧延コイル,冷間圧延コイルの工場内搬送の大部分を自動化している。自動化にあたり,人工知能を用いた最適搬送技術,超音波やレーザを用いたコイル 2 重置き防止技術などの技術開発を行い,それらの技術に改良を加えて完全自動搬送システムを実現し,品質面,コスト削減などに大きく寄与している。本報では,川崎製鉄におけるコイル搬送自動化技術の変遷および最新鋭の自動化システムである千葉製鉄所 3 熱仕工場の自動化技術について述べる。
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel started the construction of an automatic steel strip coil transportation system in the 1980's. Presently, most of the in-plant transportation of hot-rolled or cold-rolled coils are automated. For establishing the automatic transportation, there were developed various technologies, such as, the optimum handling technology using artificial intelligence, the technology of preventing additional piling of coils on existing coils by using an ultrasonic wave and a laser beam. Through the improvements of these technologies, a full-automated transportation system has been achieved and the system has contributed substantially toward product quality assurance and cost reduction. This paper gives the changes in the automation technology of coil transportation and transition in the automation of No. 3 finishing hot rolling mill, now having the latest automatic system, in Chiba Works.
本文(PDF: 6P/287kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003