Vol.31 (1999) No.4

The Latest Technologies for Process Control and Automation in Blast Furnace

牧  勇之輔(Yunosuke Maki) 稲山 晶弘(Akihiro Inayama) 井野 勝己(Katsumi Ino)
要旨 :
川崎製鉄では,電気計装はサブプロセスごとに一体化・シングルウインドウ化,プロセスコンピュータは分散化する方向で,高炉改修のたびにその制御システムの更新を行ってきた。炉況を診断する GO-STOP システムはアクションガイダンスが可能な知識ベースシステムへと発展し,ベルレストップの採用により装入物分布制御の制御性・自由度が向上した。熱風炉ではファジイ制御の導入によりガス量設定の自動化と燃焼効率向上を達成した。さらに,千葉製鉄所 6 高炉では鋳床機器の遠隔操作化を実現し,作業環境の改善や作業効率向上に寄与している。
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel has modernized blast furnace control systems featuring an integrated instrumentation and electrical system for each sub-process, a human-machine interface through a single window, and a distributed process computer system. A furnace diagnosis system, which has been known as "GO-STOP system", has been developed to a knowledge-based system that enables to provide appropriate action guidance. For the burden distribution control, controllability and flexibility have been improved by the use of a bell-less-top charging device. For hot stove control, the automatic setting of a combustion gas flow rate and improved efficiency have been achieved by a fuzzy control system. Furthermore, the remote operation of cast house equipment has been realized and contributed to improve the working environment and the efficient operation at Chiba Works No. 6 blast furnace.
本文(PDF: 6P/285kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003