Vol.31 (1999) No.4

On-Line Measurement and Inspection Technologies of Surface Properties of Steel Sheets

虎尾  彰(Akira Torao) 福高 善己(Yoshimi Fukutaka) 戸村 寧男(Yasuo Tomura) 
要旨 :
Synopsis :
In steel production lines such as pickling lines, cold rolling mills and coil processing lines, the needs for on-line continuous measurement of surface quality and property of products and on-line inspection of surface defects have become strong. This is because user requirements for the surface quality of various products have become siverer than before and besides, expectations are running high on the side of manufacturers for higher speeds of production lines and higher quality by the adoption of automatic inspection. As for the measurement of surface quality, continuous measurements along the full length of a steel strip are required in order to overcome problems derived from off-line, batch measurements that cannot satisfy user's demands for quality assurance. As for surface defects detection, various kinds of methods have been practically applied to production lines. However, it is the matter of fact that performances of these methods are not satisfactory under the present situation. This is because the following high performances of inspections are required; (1) a small defect has to be detected (minimum size: 0.2 mm in diameter), (2) automatic classification of the detected defects into several defect types and severities, (3) few over detections at a high speed of production lines (maximum speed: 1 000 m/min). Against the above background, on-line continuous measurements and inspection technologies have been put to practical use by developing various kinds of quality measuring instruments. This paper describes recent technologies on surface quality measurements utilizing laser beams for measuring roughness and oil film thickness and on surface defect detection utilizing laser diffraction, image processing and an eddy current distancemeter.
本文(PDF: 6P/335kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003