Vol.31 (1999) No.3

Concept of Developing New Sheet Steel Products in Kawasaki Steel

古君  修(Osamu Furukimi)
要旨 :
川崎製鉄における薄鋼板開発の考え方を,主として自動車用鋼板および缶用鋼板について述べた。自動車用鋼板では,軟鋼における極限の成形性追及と高張力鋼板の成形性・耐衝突性向上をめざしてきた。前者の例として温間潤滑圧延による超高 r 値鋼板を,後者の例として熱間圧延後の冷却制御による DP (dual phase) 鋼,ハイブリッド強化型 DP 鋼などを開発した。また,缶用鋼板では素材の薄肉化の要求に応えるために,成形時には軟質でありながら製缶後は急速な歪時効で高強度化する N 添加鋼板を開発した。いずれの場合も,1995 年に稼働した千葉製鉄所第 3 熱間圧延工場の新技術をベースに,新しい金属学的な知見を組み合わせて得られたものである。
Synopsis :
The concept of developing new sheet steel products in Kawasaki Steel, especially for automobiles and for cans, is reviewed. For automobile use, the target of ultimate formability in mild steel, and the target of crashworthiness and formability in high strength steel, have been aimed. Ultra-high r-value steel, which can be produced by lubricated ferrite region rolling, has been developed, which is an example of the former target, and DP (dual phase) steel and hybrid DP steel have been developed, which are the examples of the latter one. For can use, N-added steel, which is mild during forming and rapidly hardened by strain aging after forming, has been developed to satisfy the demand for thin gauges. In each case, the point of the developments was based on the combination of fundamental research in metallurgy and new technologies employed in No. 3 hot strip mill in Chiba Works.
本文(PDF: 5P/222kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003