Vol.31 (1999) No.1

化成品・機能材研究 10 年の歩み
Recent Activities in Research of Chemicals and Functional Materials

鈴木 利英(Toshihide Suzuki) 羽多野 仁美(Hitomi Hatano) 松本 泰次(Taiji Matsumoto)
要旨 :
化学研究部門は主に化学事業部の化成品事業,樹脂事業,磁性材事業の製品事業戦略を支援するために,種々の技術開発,製品開発を行うとともに,製鉄所関連,グループ会社関連,環境関連の研究開発も行ってきた。このうち化成品・機能材関連の研究開発の主なものに無水フタル酸製造用流動触媒の開発,Li イオン 2 次電池負極材用球晶の開発,スタンパブルシートの開発がある。
Synopsis :
In order to support the strategic operations of the Chemical Division, concerning mainly products, such as coal chemicals, plastic materials and magnetic materials, the Chmical Laboratory has achieved various technical and product developments. Over the past years, the research has also been diversified to matters and articles in other fields, such as those pertaining to steel works, group companies and environmental protection. This paper describes some R & D results relating to the fluidized-bed catalyst for phthalic anhydride, meso-carbon microbeads for the negative electrode of Li ion secondary battery and plastic composite stampable sheets.
本文(PDF: 5P/257kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003