Vol.31 (1999) No.1

電磁鋼板研究 10 年の歩み
Recent Activities in Research of Electrical Steel

小松原 道郎(Michiro Komatsubara)
要旨 :
この 10 年間の電磁鋼板研究において,1995 年に終了した電磁鋼板の水島製鉄所での一貫製造化は重要な位置を占める。すなわち,数々の新規設備の導入を成功させるため,工場から依頼される多くの課題に対し研究部門は的確に答えていく必要があった。このため,電磁鋼板の成分,析出物,結晶組織,集合組織,鋼板表層組織について,その適正値を定量評価する研究技術と 2 次再結晶などの組織形成機構に関する新規理論の構築が進んだ。また,磁区細分化処理やモデルトランス,モデルモータなど応用磁気学的な研究も進んだ。こうした電磁鋼板研究の進歩により,電磁鋼板の品質の向上と各種新製品の開発に貢献できた。
Synopsis :
The integrated manufacture of electrical steels in Mizushima Works since 1995 has bestowed upon electrical steel research much development, because the research department has been obliged to rightly reply to many difficult questions as to conditions in operating several new process lines. Especially, the efforts to the progress of electrical steel research have been made on quantative estimation for adequate values of materials such as components, precipitates, crystal structures, textures, surface microstructures, and so on. Moreover, the efforts have been made on constructing new theory of secondary recrystallization. Additionally, a research on magnetism has progressed in the field of magnetic domain refining techniques and in the area of applications of electrical steels for model transformers or model motors. These progresses have greatly contributed to the improvement of electrical steels and the development of new products at Kawasaki Steel.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003