Vol.31 (1999) No.1

表面処理研究 10 年の歩み
Recent Activities in Research of Coating

望月 一雄(Kazuo Mochizuki)
要旨 :
溶融めっき,電気めっきあるいは有機被覆といった表面処理技術は鉄鋼製品の寿命を延長し,特殊な機能を付与する目的で幅広く研究がなされている。近年の大幅な亜鉛めっき鋼板の生産量の増加は,自動車用防錆鋼板として溶融亜鉛めっき鋼板,有機複合被覆鋼板の発展によっている。家電・事務機器用には防錆性と同時に潤滑性,耐指紋性などのような機能を有する鋼板が発展してきた。飲料缶用には PET フィルムをラミネートした鋼板が環境への負荷を低減した生産システムを可能として発展してきた。鋼材・鋼管用には重防食有機被覆が商品化され長期耐久性が向上した。
Synopsis :
Intensive research and development were conducted on coating technologies such as hot-dip galvanizing, electrogalvanizing and organic resin coating, for the purpose of extending the duration of corrosion resistance and addition of special functions. The increase of mass production of galvanized steel sheets is attributed to the application of galvannealed steel sheets and organic composite coated steel sheets to automotive panels. An outstanding development has been observed in coated steel sheets having not only corrosion resistance but also special functions such as lubricating property and anti-finger print property for home appliances and office equipment. PET film laminated steel sheet has been developed as the material for beverage cans to make it possible to harmonize the global environment and enhance production efficiency. Heavy duty organic coating has been applied to steel products for construction to assure long duration of resistance to corrosion.
本文(PDF: 7P/368kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003