Vol.30 (1998) No.4

State of the Art and the Future Trend of the Construction Materials of Kawasaki Steel-Group

高橋 千代丸(Chiyomaru Takahashi) 橋本 正治(Masaharu Hashimoto) 菊川 春三(Shunso Kikukawa)
要旨 :
川崎製鉄グループの建材技術の現状と今後の展望について概略を述べた。以下に所見をまとめる。(1) コスト縮減の社会的要請に応える手段の一つとして、今後、鋼と他の材料との複合構造がさらに普及する。(2) 充実してきたストックに対し、メンテナンスやリニューアルの市場が増えつつある。(3) 振動・騒音対策や CO2 削減など,「環境機能建材」の需要が今後は増大する。
Synopsis :
This paper is concerned with the present status and perspectives of construction materials manufactured by Kawasaki Steel and its family companies. The principal conclusions are as follows. (1) Hybrid structure of steel and other materials are expected to become popular due to social demands responding to the reduction of construction cost. (2) As a result of attained adequate social stocks, new construction markets for メmaintenance, repair and renewalモ of these social stocks are increasing. (3) Ecological-value added construction materials which are related to anti-vibration, anti-noise and CO2 emission reduction are expected to expand rapidly their markets in the future.
本文(PDF: 5P/240kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003