Vol.30 (1998) No.3

Development of Heavy Section Steel Plates with Improved Internal Properties through Forging and Plate Rolling Process Using Continuous Casting Slabs

荒木 清己(Kiyomi Araki) 郡山  猛(Takeshi Kohriyama) 仲村 基志(Motoshi Nakamura)
要旨 :
連続鋳造スラブを用いた厚肉鋼板の製造において,厚板圧延前にセンターポロシティの圧着に有利な鍛造プロセスを適用する方法を検討した。スラブ幅方向にいったん圧下した後,スラブ厚方向への圧下を行う二方向鍛造法の適用は,スラブ厚中心部の広範囲において,より大きな圧縮方向塑性歪を与えることができ,センターポロシティの閉鎖-圧着に効果的である。本プロセスを引張強度 400 MPa 級鋼へ適用した結果,製品厚 240 mm(圧下比:1.3)までの鋼板において内質の優れた健全な厚肉鋼板の製造が可能となる。
Synopsis :
Heavy steel plates with thickness of over 150 mm have usually been manufactured by using materials obtained through ingot casting process, in consideration of the internal properties. The possibility of applying a forging process before plate rolling was investigated to secure both homogeneous and sound internal properties by using continuous casting slabs, instead of ingot casting slabs. When a certain annihilation of center porosities is considered, a forging method with reduction in widthwise direction before reduction in thicknesswise direction of slabs was found to be very effective. As a result of the application of this process for TS: 400 MPa class steel, it is concluded that excellent internal properties can be obtained in the manufacture of heavy steel plates with thickness of up to 240 mm (reduction ratio: 1.3).
本文(PDF: 5P/215kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003