Vol.30 (1998) No.3

中・常温域で引張強さ 610 MPa 以上を有するボイラ圧力容器用極厚 SPV490 鋼板
Ultra Heavy Gauge SPV490 Steel Plate with Tensile Strength over 610 MPa at Intermediate and Moderate Temperatures for Boiler Pressure Vessels

板倉 教次(Noritsugu Itakura) 弟子丸 慎一(Shin-ichi Deshimaru) 中川 一郎(Ichiro Nakagawa)
要旨 :
ボイラ圧力容器用鋼板として,中・常温域で,PWHT 後にも引張強さ (TS) 610 MPa 以上を有する SPV490 鋼(最大板厚:150 mm)を開発した。母材のシャルピー吸収エネルギー (vE) は,PWHT 前後のいずれにおいても,目標値 (vE 2 30。C ^ 47 J) を満足するとともに 240。C で 100 J 以上と十分高かった。また,y 形溶接割れ試験の割れ阻止温度は 75。C と良好であった。一方,MAG 溶接および サブマージアーク溶接の継手の特性は,PWHT 前後のいずれにおいても,中・常温域で,TS ^ 610 MPa であるとともに,vE も母材に設定した目標値 (vE 2 30。C ^ 47 J) 以上の値を示した。
Synopsis :
An advanced type of SPV490 steel plate up to 150 mm in thickness has been developed for boiler pressure vessels. This advanced steel exhibits a tensile strength (TS) greater than 610 MPa after post weld heat treatment (PWHT) at intermediate and moderate temperatures. The Charpy absorbed energy (vE) of base metal was more than 100 J even at 240。C which substantially exceeded the target value (vE 2 30。C ^ 47 J). The preheating at 75。C prevented cold cracking in a y-slit test. The TS of the welded joints made by MAG welding and SAW were also over 610 MPa before and after PWHT at intermediate and moderate temperatures. The vE of those welded joints were greater than the value aimed for base metal (vE 2 30。C ^ 47 J) even after PWHT.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003