Vol.30 (1998) No.3

Microstructure Control for Improving Sour Resistance of Pressure Vessel Steel Plates and Their Performance

川端 文丸(Fumimaru Kawabata) 谷川  治(Osamu Tanigawa) 中川 一郎(Ichiro Nakagawa)
要旨 :
圧力容器用鋼材の湿潤硫化水素環境下で発生する水素誘起割れ (HIC) と硫化物応力腐食割れ (SSC) に対する抵抗性向上技術を述べた。この技術により 127 mm 厚までの ASTM A516-70 級と 50.8 mm 厚までの A841 級の圧力容器用鋼板を製造し,優れた耐 HIC 性および耐 SSC 性を確認した。耐 HIC 性は S の極低化と Ca 添加による ACR 値適正化 (1〜3) で飛躍的に向上する。潜在起点モデルにより,SSC の一種で特徴的発生形態を示す SOHIC 機構が説明可能で,マトリックス降伏強さの上昇およびパーライトコロニーなどの潜在起点の微細化と相互間隔の拡大が耐 SOHIC 性を向上させる。この組織制御に TMCP は好適で,TMCP 製 A841 級圧力容器用鋼の組織は優れた耐 SOHIC 性を示した。
Synopsis :
The technologies discussed herein are to advance the resistance to hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) and sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSC) of pressure vessel steels and to make them applicable in wet H2S environments. The heavy gauge plates of ASTM A516-70 grade up to 127 mm and the A841 cl.1 grade of 50.8 mm in thickness with high welding performance have been manufactured in accordance with those technologies. HIC-resistance is remarkably improved by reducing sulfur content and conducting clustering-free shape-control of MnS, the latter of which is carried out with appropriate ACR values (1 to 3) obtained by Ca addition. The unique behavior of the stress oriented (SO) HIC has become comprehensive with the concept of メlatent initiation site modelモ. The model also indicated the efficiency of thermo-mechanical control process (TMCP) for preventing SOHIC and excellent SOHIC preventive properties have been proved in the developed A841 steel plate of the TMCP type.
本文(PDF: 8P/412kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003