Vol.30 (1998) No.2

In-Line Measurement Technologies of Surface Properties for Stainless Steel

虎尾  彰(Akira Torao) 守屋  進(Susumu Moriya) 舘野 純一(Jun-ichi Tateno)
要旨 :
ステンレス鋼板の表面品質特性を製造工程において測定することは品質保証上で重要であり,オンラインまたはインライン光学的測定装置が必要である。冷延ステンレス鋼板の光沢度および白色度を水銀ランプの正反射,拡散反射強度から測定し,さらに,これら 2 つの測定量とアルゴンレーザの正反射強度との 3 つの光学量からニューラルネットワークを構成して目視光沢感の等級判別を行う手法を考案した。一方,建材用ダル仕上げステンレス鋼板の色調むらの原因となる反射特性を白色光の拡散反射輝度から測定する手法を考案した。以上の手法をもとにそれぞれオンラインとインライン測定用装置を開発して実プロセスに適用し,製品の連続品質保証,目視検査の代替などのために有効活用している。
Synopsis :
An on-line glossiness meter for both quantitative and sensory factors has been developed to evaluate the surface glossiness of cold rolled stainless steel. The specular glossiness and Hunterユs whiteness were measured from the specular and diffused intensities of reflections by a mercury lamp, respectively. Sensory glossiness was determined by a neural network with three optical informations, two of them being mentioned above and one being the specular reflected intensity of an Ar laser beam. The results of on-line measurements showed that two parameters could be measured with the accuracy of 650 in Gs (20。) and 62.0 for Hunterユs whiteness. As for sensory glossiness, good agreements with results by visual inspections were obtained. Another in-line optical measuring apparatus of surface reflection properties of dull-finished stainless steel has been newly developed. The apparatus measures diffused luminant intensities from stainless steel strips and converts them into examination marks. Both systems are so applicable to the practical use at production lines as to substitute for the visual inspection and to help quality control of products.
本文(PDF: 5P/253kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003