Vol.30 (1998) No.1

Earthquake-Proof Composite Bridge Column Using Deformed H-Shapes

大久保 浩弥(Hiroya Okubo) 森川 孝義(Takayoshi Morikawa) 岡  由剛(Yoshitake Oka)
要旨 :
橋脚の耐震性向上,橋脚施工の合理化といったニーズに答えうる工法として,突起付 H 形鋼とプレキャスト埋設型枠を用いた鉄骨コンクリート複合構造橋脚(REED 工法)を提案し,構造特性ならびに施工性を検証した。その結果,以下の諸点が明らかになった。(1) 梁曲げせん断試験から,提案した構造が H 形鋼を断面積が等価な鉄筋に置換した RC 方式で設計できる。(2) 提案した構造の最大ひび割れ幅は RC 構造に比べて小さい。(3) 水平交番載荷実験から,提案した工法は在来工法に比べてじん性に富んだ挙動を示し,耐震性に優れた構造である。(4) 実施工において提案した工法の工期縮減率および省人化率は,在来工法との比較において,各々 64%,46% である。
Synopsis :
A proposed composite bridge column (REED method) has been developed with the aims of speedy construction, labor saving, and increase in resistance against earthquake. For the purpose of achieving these objects, the composite bridge column consists of precast forms, deformed H-shapes as an alternative material for reinforcing bars, and filled-in concrete. The present study has verified the mechanical characteristics and the construction conditions of the composite bridge column. As a result of the studies, the followings are confirmed: (1) The composite structure can be designed on the basis of RC method wherein deformed H-shapes are treated as equivalents for reinforcing bars. (2) The ductility (resistance against earthquake) of the composite structure is more excellent than that of a conventional reinforced structure. (3) The reduction ratios of the construction period and the labor force of the composite pier method, as compared with those of a conventional method, are 64% and 46%, respectively.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003