Vol.29 (1997) No.4

MnZn フェライトの複素初透磁率の周波数依存性
Frequency Dependence of the Complex Initial Permeability of MnZn Ferrite

後藤 聡志(Satoshi Gotoh) 河野 貴史(Takashi Kawano) 曽我 直樹(Naoki Soga)
要旨 :
MnZn フェライトの複素初透磁率の周波数依存性は,Maxwell 方程式の厳密解から求められ,コアの寸法(断面半径),比抵抗,誘電率で決定される。複素初透磁率の緩和型あるいは共鳴型の周波数依存性は,これらを考慮すればコア内の電磁場挙動から導くことができ,測定値をよく再現できる。MnZn フェライトの場合,1 MHz 以下の範囲で起きる共鳴を伴った初透磁率の低下は,従来の自然共鳴や磁壁共鳴の概念では説明できない。電磁場の厳密な挙動解析の結果,これはコアのマクロな電磁気特性で決まる個々のコア寸法に対応した一種の寸法共鳴であると解釈でき,誘電率の効果が大きいことがわかった。
Synopsis :
The higher the real part of the complex initial permeability, μi, of MnZn ferrites is, the lower is the frequency at which it begins to fall. This phenomenon has been explained by the domain wall resonance of the rotational resonance. The authors analyzed the frequency dependence of the permeability by taking into account of the behavior of the electromagnetic wave derived from the cross section radius, r, the resistivity, r and the complex permittivity, ε. The typical measured μi vs. frequency curve has a peak at a certain frequency, fr, followed by a rapid fall. On the other hand, the resonant frequencies calculated from the rotational resonance and the domain wall resonance theory result in much higher frequencies than the observed one. By considering the effect to the three parameters, r, r and ε, the calculated curve reproduces the measured one which has a peak and a following rapid fall. The frequency dependence of the μi is consequently determined by the individual sample dimensions and the macroscopic electromagnetic properties.
本文(PDF: 5P/291kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003