Vol.29 (1997) No.4

Development of the Atmosphere Controlled Roller Hearth Type Kiln for High Performance MnZn Ferrites

来島 愼一(Shin-ichi Kijima) 有江 清詩(Kiyoshi Arie) 後藤 国宏(Kunihiro Gotoh)i
要旨 :
高特性 MnZn フェライトを高い生産性で製造できるローラーハース炉を開発した。焼成時間は従来のプッシャー式連続炉に比べて約 1/2 の 11 h で,生産能力は 100 t/month である。焼成中の温度と酸素雰囲気を精密に制御できるようにした結果,電源用低損失材と高透磁率材が同一条件で焼成可能となった。新材質の低損失材 MB4 と高透磁率材 MA100 は量産連続炉としては最高レベルの特性を実現している。
Synopsis :
A new roller hearth kiln (RHK) has been developed, resulting in both the highest quality and productivity for MnZn ferrites. Using the RHK, the total sintering time is reduced to less than 11 h, that is, a half of the case of the pusher type kiln. The productive capacity of the RHK achieved 100 t/month. Moreover, two different types of MnZn ferrite, i.e., high-permeability and low-power-loss materials, can be sintered simultaneously in the RHK, because the control of oxygen content during the sintering and the subsequent cooling zone is performed precisely. The electromagnetic properties of these materials reach the highest level in mass production. The initial permeability (μi) of the high-permeability material, MA100, reaches 10 000 at 100 kHz, and the power loss (Pcv) of the low-power-loss material, MB4, is reduced to 270 kW·m3 at 100 kHz, 200 mT and 958C.
本文(PDF: 5P/217kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003