Vol.29 (1997) No.4

Sound Absorption and Mechanical Properties of Porous Stampable Sheet

藤巻 雅美(Masami Fujimaki) 長山 勝博(Katsuhiro Nagayama) 佐藤 義廣(Yoshihiro Sato)
要旨 :
抄紙法スタンパブルシートを原料として得られる多孔質成形体の吸音特性は,ガラス繊維含有率,密度および厚みで制御できることが分かった。ガラス繊維含有率が低いほど,機械特性は高くなるが,ポリプロピレンが増え空隙の閉塞が起こった場合には,吸音特性は低下する。多孔質成形体の吸音特性と通気抵抗は良い相関を示し,通気抵抗が 350〜500 Pa・s/m の範囲にある場合に吸音特性は最大になる。ガラス繊維含有率,密度および厚みの組み合わせを,通気抵抗が上記範囲となるように設定した場合,グラスウールボードと同等の高い吸音特性を持ち,しかも非常に高い強度特性を持つ材料が得られた。
Synopsis :
It was found that the sound absorption and mechanical characteristics of porous mold could be controlled by the selection of moderate glass fiber (GF) content, sheet density and sheet thickness. With an increase in polypropylene (PP) content, the compressive strength was enhanced, however, at a high PP content, voids were filled with PP and the sound absorption characteristics deteriorated. The sound absorption characteristics of the porous mold were correlated well with the specific flow resistance and were maximized when the specific flow resistance was set at the range of 350 to 500Pa疽/m. If the GF content, the density and the thickness are suitably selected, the porous mold shows good sound absorption characteristics, comparable to those of glass wool boards, as well as good mechanical properties, exceeding those of glass wool boards.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003