Vol.29 (1997) No.4

Method of Controlling In-Plane Orientation of Reinforcing Fiber in the Manufacture of Stampable Sheet with Paper Making Process

内田 祐一(Yuichi Uchida) 吉川 文明(Fumiaki Yoshikawa) 花谷 誠二(Seiji Hanatani)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
In order to obtain a desired in-plane orientation of reinforcing fiber in a stampable sheet manufactured with a paper making process, experiments were carried out using a model web making apparatus. Operating parameters, such as the distribution of drainage amount of slurry containing reinforcing fibers and thermoplastic resin particles, the tilted angle of the apparatus, direction of the slurry feeding, and the velocity of the moving meshbelt, were widely varied and examined. Most of the experimental results concerning the in-plane orientation were correlated to the ratio of the velocity of slurry to that of the meshbelt. As the velocity ratio increased, the fiber tended to orient parallel to the flow direction. The combinations of operating conditions for desired in-plane orientations were optimized on the basis of the present experimental results. Consequently, stampable sheets with unidirectional orientation and with no warpage, which are of practical importance in commercial manufacturing, were produced using the model web making apparatus.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003