Vol.29 (1997) No.3

History and Recent Development of Grain Oriented Electrical Steel at Kawasaki Steel

森戸 延行(Nobuyuki Morito) 小松原 道郎(Michiro Komatsubara) 清水  洋(Yoh Shimizu)
要旨 :
川崎製鉄は方向性電磁鋼板を 1961 年にRGの商品名で生産開始して以来,一貫して低鉄損化技術を追及し,1981 年には世界最初に高磁束密度低鉄損の薄方向性 RGH(板厚 0.23 mm,0.20 mm)を商品化した。ついで物理的手法による鉄損低減を狙い,鋼板表面へのプラズマ炎照射法(RGHPJ)および微細溝形成法(RGHPD)の磁区制御技術を開発し,低鉄損変圧器材料として高い評価を得ている。最近では,RGH に採用したインヒビターの改良により,さらに磁束密度を向上させることに成功し,世界最高級の磁区制御・低鉄損新製品(New RGH PD)の供給も可能となった。これらの技術開発の経緯および今後の展望を概説した。
Synopsis :
Since Kawasaki Steel had begun to manufacture a grain oriented electrical steel sheet "RG" in 1961, it was always seeking after a low iron loss technology to have successfully made the commercialization of "thin gage RGH" (0.23 mm, 0.20 mm in thickness) having high magnetic flux density and low iron loss, in 1981. Then, Kawasaki Steel has developed "RGHPJ" by using plasma jet and "RGHPD" of fine grooving to reduce iron loss, both of which materials obtain a high evaluation as core materials for low iron loss transformers. Recently a heat-resistant domain-controlled new product "New RGH PD" exibiting low iron loss has been commercialized by using a highly grain oriented electrical steel through the improvement of inhibitors RGH.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003