Vol.29 (1997) No.1

Development of Pulverized Coal Burner with Intense Mixing Coal/Blast under Large Gas Velocity in Blast Furnace Tuyere

石渡 夏生(Natsuo Ishiwata) 内山 武(Takeshi Uchiyama) 武田 幹治(Kanji Takeda)
要旨 :
微粉炭燃焼性改善による吹込み量増加と安定操業を目的として,数学モデルや燃焼実験によって,微粉炭と送風の混合を促進する高乱流微粉炭吹込みバーナーを開発し,その効果を確認した。( 1 ) 数学モデルによる検討の結果,バーナー外径を拡大することにより送風とバーナーの相互作用で発生する乱流が強化され,微粉炭の分散,昇温が迅速化する。バーナー肉厚が外径の 10〜15%の時に最も効果が大きい。( 2 ) コークス充填層型燃焼炉および実機羽口において微粉炭燃焼実験を行い,高乱流バーナーを使用すると燃焼率が 10% 向上し,昇温着火が迅速化することを確認した。
Synopsis :
Improvement in the combustion efficiency of pulverized coal (PC) is required to secure good permeability and stable operation in blast furnaces at high PC injection rates. Model simulations and combustion tests in a packed bed were carried out to develop a high-turbulence burner with intense mixing of pulverized coal flow and hot blast. Simulations of the PC flow in the tuyere indicated that expansion of the outer diameter of the injection burner would enhance the dispersion and heating of the pulverized coal at the downstream of the burner. Combustion tests in a furnace with a coke bed then showed that combustion efficiency was improved by approximately 10%with the high-turbulence burner. Temperature measurements and gas sampling were carried out to examine the effectiveness of the high-turbulence burner at a tuyere of Chiba Works No. 5 blast furnace. The temperature drop in the main coal stream decreased by 100 K with the high-turbulence burner due to effective mixing of the coal and hot blast. A carbon dioxide concentration of 0.06% was also detected, suggesting fast ignition. Measurements confirmed that better dispersion and faster ignition were obtained with the high-turbulence burner.
本文(PDF: 6P/282kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003