Vol.29 (1997) No.1

Development of a Blast Furnace Operation Simulator and its Application for Reduction of Si Content in Pig Iron

佐藤 健(Takeshi Sato) 野内 泰平(Taihei Nouchi) 木口 満(Mitsuru Kiguchi)
要旨 :
劣質原燃料使用下での安定操業の継続と高品質溶銑の供給を達成するための操業設計ツールとして,高炉操業シミュレーターを開発した。本シミュレーターは( 1 )装入物の堆積形状を高精度で予測( 2 )融着層のガス流れ,伝熱を層構造を考慮してモデル化( 3 )装入物の炉内粉化挙動をモデル化という特徴を有しており,操業変更の結果を高精度で予測できる。水島製鉄所第 3 高炉では本シミュレーターを活用して操業設計を行い,大幅な装入物分布の変更により低 Si 化を達成した。
Synopsis :
A total blast furnace simulator has been developed for the planning of maintaining the best stable operation performance with inferior burden materials. The simulator has the following features: (1)Layer profile of burden materials is predicted with high accuracy. (2)Gas flow and heat transfer in the cohesive zone are modeled by focusing, with a special attention paid, on layer structure. (3)Size degradation of burden materials is modeled. The simulator has been used to precisely predict the results of operational changes for various purposes such as, [Si] reduction operation and stable operation with small size sinter. In this paper, the [Si] reduction at No.3 blast furnace at Mizushima Works is described as a typical application of the simulator to deal with the changes of charging sequence at the bell-less top.
本文(PDF: 7P/308kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003