Vol.28 (1996) No.4

Effective Operation of Energy Facilities by New Controlling Method

荻野  哲(Satoshi Ogino) 香月 泰弘(Yasuhiro Katsuki) 天野  忍(Shinobu Amano)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
For centralization of main facilities in West Plant, Chiba Works, a new steelmaking plant and a hot strip mill were constructed in the plant in 1995. During the construction period, continuation and synchronization of steelmaking processes necessitated stabilization of variable energy supply and demand and it became an important subject to efficiently control fluctuating amount of energy. Under these circumstances, several energy system, which utilizes realtime data from iron and steel production facilities. Moreover, this new system enables energy facilities, such as power plants and O2 generating plants, to operate on prediction of future energy supply and demand, realizing an efficient operation
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003