Vol.28 (1996) No.4

Automatic Operation Technologies Adapted in No.3 Hot Strip Mill at Chiba Works

吉村 宏之(Hiroyuki Yoshimura) 川瀬 隆志(Takashi Kawase) 前田 一郎(Ichiro Maeda)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
In the construction of No.3 hot strip mill, completed in May 1995 at Kawasaki Steel Chiba Works, thoroughgoing automation and unmanned operation technologies were developed and applied to realize a rolling operation with only one control room and a crew of three operators. The main technologies applied for this purpose include automatic positioning of slabs when received at the entry side, high-level quality control in the rolling operation, high-accuracy mill pacing, fully-automatic coiling control at the delivery side coilers, fully-automatic coil transportation, and others. To lighten the loads on operators, automatic work roll supply was adopted at the finishing mill and man-machine interface was upgraded. As a result, product quality has been stabilized at a high level and labor productivity has been improved to approximately five times the former level.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003