Vol.28 (1996) No.3

Kawasaki Steel's Experiences and Features of Overseas Electrolytic Tinning Lines

河合 義人(Yoshihito kawai) 藤田 秀一(Hidekazu Fujita) 多木俊男(Toshio Ohki)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel started the operation of its first ETL (electrolytic tinning line) at Chiba Works in 1967. And based on accumulated operation know-how of ETL, engineering division started to supply ETLs to the southeast Asia countries. The number of ETL which Kawasaki Steel supplied to these countries reached up to 9 lines including those under construction. ETL has a production capacity from 60 000t/y to 150 000t/y. Some of ETLs are designed to be linked with shearing lines. Kawasaki Steel’s experiences of ETL constructions and features of the equipment are discussed in this paper.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003