Vol.32 (2000) No.1

Static Behavior of Double Sheet-Pile Wall Structures with High Rigidity Partition

水谷 太作(Taisaku Mizutani) 芥川 博昭(Hiroaki Akutagawa) 米澤  洋(Hiroshi Yonezawa) 高橋 邦夫(Kunio Takahashi) 菊池 喜昭(Yoshiaki Kikuchi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
New type double wall structures, which have steel structural partitions in their sand-fill part, are proposed. Their static behavior and validity of using partitions were examined through model tests. The results are as follow: (1) Partitions give high loading capacity and diminish deformation. (2) The loading condition affects deformation of a double wall. And partitions are more effective when the main load acts on its front sheet-pile wall. (3) Rigidity and depth of partitions play a leading part in the behavior of these types of double wall structures.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003