Vol.27 (1995) No.4

Development of Unstiffened Suspension Bridge for Pipeline

脇長  正(Tadashi Wakinaga) 古田 俊宏(Toshihiro Furuta) 中村 聖三(Shozo Nakamura) 崎元 達郎(Tatsuro Sakimoto) 久保 喜延(Yoshinobu Kubo) 水田 洋司(Yoji Mizuta)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Static and dynamic behavior of an unstiffened suspension bridge for pipeline with a span length of 150m was investigated analytically and experimentally. By changing some design parameters, a finite element analysis was carried out. Effects of finite displacement and initial stress of cables were taken into account in the analysis. Loading tests and free vibration tests with a large scale model were conducted to check validity of the analysis method. Aerodynamic stability was examined by wind tunnel tests on section models. Concluding remarks were summarized as follows: (1) The analysis method used in this study gave a good estimation of static and dynamic behavior, (2) effects of some design parameters on the structural characteristics were clarified, (3) seismic response of the bridge was relatively small, (4) shape and height of the inspection walkway affected the aerodynamic stability of the bridge.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003